World Class Sales Process Self-Assessment
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World Class Sales Process Self-Assessment
How does your company's sales process stack up with the best in the world?
Find out by selecting a customer type or market segment that is important to you. Then answer these simple questions in the next ten minutes.
If you are not from your company's sales department, ask one of them to complete it as well.
You'll get a valuable framework for understanding what is working and not working in your sales and marketing system. Comparing your responses to the responses of others in your company will provide new insights on causes of current undesirable results. You’ll gain a new perspective on small changes with big potential impact.
After entering your contact information, you'll get
  1. graphs comparing your scores to the averages of other B2B companies,
  2. a brief diagnosis based on your unique scores, and
  3. an email with a link to your diagnosis page for future reference.
Your information is always confidential and will not be shared with others.
Begin by answering the first question below. A “DK” indicates you do not know the answer. You can also leave a comment about your experience at the bottom of the page.
We look forward to hearing from you. (Note: This page requires javascript.)
Customer Type:


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Leave A Reply (7 comments )

  1. Sara Armendariz
    8 years ago

    Good morning,
    I had already answered de questions and it gave me the result, buth then I opened another website and it kicked me out so I had no option to print my results. Could you please send them by email?

    Kindest regards,


    • mwebb
      8 years ago


      Hopefully, emailing your assessment results gave you what you needed.

    8 years ago

    Gerente Estatal Comercial Michoacán

    8 years ago


    8 years ago

    talking about forecasting is related to customer by customer not as overall business.

    • mwebb
      8 years ago


      Thanks for this clarification on how you do forecasting. It is such an important and interesting issue for businesses. However there is such a broad variation in how different businesses do forecasting.


  5. Jesse Trevino
    8 years ago

    Interested to see the results.