Thank you for completing the world class sales process self-assessment. Below are your results compared to an average of companies who have completed the assessment. Separately you will receive an email providing a description of your results and some improvements you may want to consider.
This assessment has been developed only recently, and we are constantly updating the average scores, the questions, and the potential countermeasures. If you have comments or questions, please enter them in the feedback form.

How your sales and marketing stacks up

The message below is assembled uniquely based on how you answered the assessment questions. It provides some perspective and some potential areas you may wish to consider to improve your organization's sales and marketing productivity and performance.
Now that you have received a brief overview of how your organization's sales process stacks up against the best in the world, what should be done about it?
It might seem obvious, but unless you discover and address the root causes of your sales production system's performance, no improvement can take place.
That actually is harder than it sounds. Consider how many people do not take a data driven approach! Sales training, lead generation campaigns, CRM software, compensation firms, and many other types of organizations approach their clients with their solutions. They don't help clients adequately define their problems. That is why so few companies end up measurably improving their sales and marketing productivity.
Process excellence takes quite a different approach.
  • First, it begins with a diagnosis of the evidence to identify what the problem really is. Most of the time, companies find the reality proves to be different from what they assumed in the first place.
  • Second, it identifies the measurable thing that will change if the problem is solved. Of course, this presumes you are measuring these things to begin with, so establishing some simple measures is often the place to begin.
  • Third, it implements the improvement in order to test whether the measurement actually changes.
  • Finally, if the improvement succeeds, process excellence works to change the system your sellers and marketers live in so that it can actually be sustained. This might involve policies, procedures, support, software, tools, etc.
If this sounds interesting to you, you might like to learn a little more and learn about some case examples. Depending what role you play in your company, we've prepared some whitepapers you may wish to consider:
Feel free to circulate these to your counterparts. If you have a question you'd like to ask don't hesitate to contact us. The answers are often posted on the blog for the benefit of others.
If you think you're ready to get some assistance with your sales process, set up an initial consultation.
Of course, you can just reply to this email with your thoughts.
We would love to hear from you.

Leave A Reply (5 comments So Far)

  1. Marco De Salvia
    10 years ago

    The questionnaire seems to have a poor focalization on the automotive market.

    • mwebb
      10 years ago

      Yes, Marco, you are right. This is a general assessment, not focused on the automotive market.


  2. Mwetivier
    10 years ago

    The main obstacle is still a company culture, oriented towards operations and innovation engineering, not customers (needs, satisfaction, loyalty). Sales considered only a tool to get products out from the gate and generate invoices.
    Sales metodology and sales planning is still something to happen.

    • mwebb
      10 years ago

      Right on Daniel. The time has come to put the kind of thinking that has improved operations into also improving sales and marketing.


  3. Christian Maurer
    9 years ago

    Thought provoking questions. Thnaks for making this available