Thank you for completing the world class sales process self-assessment. Below are your results compared to an average of companies who have completed the assessment. Separately you will receive an email providing a description of your results and some improvements you may want to consider.
This assessment has been developed only recently, and we are constantly updating the average scores, the questions, and the potential countermeasures. If you have comments or questions, please enter them in the feedback form.
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How your sales and marketing stacks up

B2B sales and marketing is hard to improve. It can operate in counterintuitive ways. The World Class Sales Process Self-Assessment is your first step toward locating the real causes of your undesirable results. It provides a framework for assessing your company’s symptoms. Low scores indicate the most important problems. Disagreement on the team around specific questions signals a need for deeper investigation.
This message is assembled uniquely based on your answers to the questions. The next five sections (finding, winning, keeping, management, and environment) provide some questions and perspectives for companies with scores similar to yours. The last section offers recommendations on ways to use the knowledge of your cause system to gain – and sustain – competitive advantages.
Now that you have received a brief overview of how your organization's sales process stacks up against the best in the world, what do you want to do about it?
As we said earlier, sales and marketing is a complex system. It can’t be improved unless you discover and address the root causes of the system's performance. That is easier than it sounds, actually. This assessment has already started to point you in the right direction!
That’s because the questions with the lowest scores are important symptoms. Differing answers to the questions across your team are another important symptom. Both provide the opportunity to learn new and important things about your business. Start now to take your first step toward Sales Process Excellence: Contact SPC, Inc. for assistance assembling and diagnosing your scores.

Leave A Reply (2 comments So Far)

  1. Larry
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure this is very helpful. The questions were very vague. Example my winning percentage is good so maybe I did not answer them correct. Not sure I did it correct at all. Would have liked to digest it while not traveling. I will say we do need more help in lots of areas to increase sales.

    8 years ago

    In our company case, presales activity start after meeting customer and time lines for start up of business or time taken for commencing business, this area, definitely need improvement. Finding not necessarily means finding a customer or market.