Presidents, Chief Executives, General Managers

Grow your Business
More Predictably and Reliably
Regardless of the Economy
Through Lean Process Excellence

Don't spend money on CRM or Sales Training until you read this!

Have you wondered if the Lean philosophy can be applied in sales and marketing? If so, here is some good news. The answer is an emphatic, "Yes." Sales and marketing represents a huge profit and growth opportunity for B2B organizations with successful Lean track records.

To help you understand why we are so sure, we have developed this FREE report to review a framework we have developed and used successfully in client engagements. These work at overcoming persistent sales and marketing challenges, such as:
  • Why extend Lean process excellence to sales and marketing? (page 4)
  • How to get sellers and marketers to move from resisting to embracing standard work? (page 5)
  • Quick case study examples from one large, and one small company  (page 6)
  • Why does Lean process excellence work in sales and marketing? (page 8)
  • How does process excellence enable better financial returns from sales and marketing? (page 8)
  • What can you do to promote this approach in your organization? (page 9)
  • Where can your and your management team get information needed to begin testing these ideas? (page 10)

This summary of Lean Sales Process Excellence—and how and why it works—will help you set your organization on the path to more predictable sales growth, more profitable customer relationships, and to eating your competitor's lunch.

At a minimum, you will learn to see sales as a business process for finding, winning, and keeping customers, and one that can be improved.  Few executives think of sales that way, so even fewer organizations manage sales that way.

Take a quick moment—right now—to take the first step toward leaning out your sales results.  If your company has experience in process improvement, you owe it to your organization, your salespeople, your customers, and yourself to investigate how it might work in sales and marketing. Enter your name and email in the upper right side of this page to receive the free report today.